
Dispel & Deport 皆有驅散的意思,不過使用時機不大相同,從字根可以容易辨別,請看以下說明:


Dispel: = dis (away)+pel (push)

Pakistan’s president acknowledged for the first time yesterday that his security forces were left out of a US operation to kill Osama bin Laden, but he did little to dispel questions over how the al-Qaeda leader was able to live in comfort near Islamabad. 巴基斯坦總理昨日首次承認,未參與美國獵殺賓拉登的行動,但總理未正面回應有關蓋達首領為何可以安穩地居住在伊斯坦堡附近。Dispel: 在這裡解釋為將問題推開或拒絕回答問題。

Unlike the initial phase of the nuclear disaster when the government had to
unify sources of information to
dispel public concerns, he said. 不像先前的核災,政府必須整合資訊來排除大眾的疑慮。Dispel: 在這裡解釋為排除或解除。


Deport=de (away)+port (carry)

The Philippines said yesterday it is not apologizing for deporting 14 Taiwanese to China, a move that has angered Taipei because it appeared to suggest that China, not Taiwan, has jurisdiction over the deportees. 菲律賓昨天對於遣送14名台灣人到中國大陸不表示道歉,菲國這項舉動激怒台北,因為它顯示中國大陸而非台灣對這些台灣嫌犯有執行司法的權利。Deport在這裡解釋為遣散。

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