時代雜誌揭露 The Lady 的拍攝內幕
在2010年12月的時代雜誌中介紹了一齣極具爭議的電影The Lady,
Shot partly in secret, French Director Luc Besson’s new film follows Aung San Suu Kyi’s fight for freedom. Behind the scenes of a tribute to burma’s democracy icon.
l tribute=give/respect 給予/尊敬
contribute=con(together)+tribute(give/respect) 貢獻
l behind the scenes…在幕後
l follow 在這裡翻譯為描述
Take Malaysian-born actress Michelle Yeoh, the former Bond girl who plays Suu Kyi. Yeoh not only strongly resembles the lissome Nobel laureate, but also occupies the part so convincingly that Besson calls it “perfect for her.”
l resemble=re(again)+semble(same/similar) 像、類似
simulate=sim(same/similar) 模擬
l lissome=lithesome, graceful and flexible 輕柔的、靈活的
l occupy 在這裡翻譯成扮演
After studying at Oxford University, Suu Kyi married academic Michael Aris and raised their two sons in England. She returned to Burma in 1988 to nurse her ailing mother and was swept up in the democracy protests, becoming the symbol of the Burmese people’s struggle against military rule.
牛津大學畢業後,蘇姬跟學者Michael Aris結婚並在英國生育兩個男孩。她於1988年回到緬甸照顧病痛的媽媽,碰到民主抗爭的潮流,並成為緬甸人民對抗軍政府的領袖象徵。
l ailing 病痛的
l be swept up ‘sweep’ 是掃的意思。這裡可以看成是 ‘民主運動橫掃緬甸’
The Lady’s Thailand scenes have to be shot discreetly, mainly, it seems, to mollify the Thai government, which is forging closer relations with Burma’s generals. Cast and crew have signed confidentiality agreements.
l discreetly=careful 小心
l mollify=pacify or soften something 緩和
l forge 鑄造
forgery 偽造文書
‘forge closer relations’ 建立友好關係
Later, during a break in filming, Yeoh would fly to Rangoon to meet with Suu Kyi. “It was like visiting a family friend,” Yeoh says. “She held my hand. I was mesmerized.” One of Besson’s motivations for making The Lady was to publicize Suu Kyi’s plight.
之後,在拍攝的休息期間,楊飛到仰光與蘇姬會面。楊說,就像是拜訪一位像家人的朋友。她握住我的手,我非常著迷。盧貝松的動機之一是透過這部電影The Lady去揭發蘇姬的危險處境。
l mesmerize 迷住
l plight=unfortunate condition, danger, risk 危險,困境