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Behind the Koreas' Artillery Fire: Kim's Succession


最近大家對南韓很不爽,其實北韓更難搞。北韓是一個非常窮的國家,它的綽號叫作 隱士王國 因為它幾乎不和其他國家來往,但它近幾年來發展核子武器,對亞洲及太平洋地區造成威脅,並讓 世界警察 美國很頭痛,加深了它在世界的影響力。




With President Barack Obama's special envoy to North Korea now hitting the three major East Asian capitals to try to figure out what, if anything, they can do about North Korea's escalating nuclear ambitions, Kim Jong Il apparently decided that it was time for some target practice. 

隨著歐巴馬總統的北韓特使造訪三個主要的亞洲都市 (漢城、東京、北京) ,為了想出任何他們可以作的事來對付北韓逐漸升高的核子科技野心,顯然地北韓領袖金正日認為正是演習的時機了。(這裡比較難的字是 envoy,是特派使節、外交官的意思。)

Though the North told Hecker during his 3½-hr. visit that the centrifuges in use there were intended to enrich uranium only to produce electricity, the revelation heightened fears that Pyongyang seeks to develop nuclear weapons with highly enriched uranium. 


“Centrifuge” 是離心機的意思,用來提煉核子原料的機器。
“reveal” 的名詞,為揭示或揭發的意思。
“Enrich uranium”

雖然北韓在 Hecker 3½ 參訪時,告訴他(美國的特派使節)那些離心機只是用來製造高濃度的鈾來發電,可是這個揭示(說明),提昇了恐懼:平壤(北韓)其實是要用高濃度的鈾來製造核子武器。 

Analysts in Seoul said the thread plausibly linking the nuclear revelations and Tuesday's attack in the West Sea is the leadership succession now under way in Pyongyang. 


That the North continues to upgrade its ability to make nuclear weapons — the regime already has between 8 and 12 bombs, according to U.S. intelligence — while lashing out militarily during a high-profile visit to the neighborhood by Obama's special envoy shows one thing: when young Kim takes over, nothing much in the North will change. 

北韓持續提昇核子武器的能力 (北韓政體已擁有8 -12顆核子彈頭),同時在倍受矚目的歐巴馬特派使節在附近地區造訪時,對南韓攻擊,這些現象顯示一件事:當金中日的兒子取得政權時,北韓的立場不會有太大的變化。


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