A Rose-Tinted "Information Society"?

藤原 正彥是一位日本教授。他在2005年出版一本英文書,國家的尊嚴” (關於反全球化) 在日本版時,銷售量僅次於哈利波特與混血王子。這顯示他在日本知識領域的卓越地位。 




Masahiko Fujiwara is a Japanese Mathematics Professor. His book, The Dignity of a State (about anti-globalization), is the second best-selling book in Japan, trailing only the latest Harry Potter installment. This suggests his prominence in intellect.


The following article is his view on the media. It is an excellent article that it reminds us to select information warily, as one does not want to spend time digesting useless information.



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