French Dessert in Taiwan (寫作及批改範例)

French Dessert has rapidly become famous in Taiwan. It has been perceived as a piece of art and a trend setter of the dessert world. The factors of this success are worth for us to study and to benefit from it to better promote Taiwanese dessert to the international market. French dessert is one of the global leading brands, carrying strong French image, life style and the level of people’s competency toward art literature. As a soft power, French dessert hugely influences people’s understanding toward French.

French dessert has rapidly become popular in Taiwan. It has been perceived as art and a trendsetter in the dessert world. The factors of this trend are worthy for us to study and to benefit from it to better promote Taiwanese dessert to the international market. French dessert is now like one of the global leading brands, carrying strong French image, lifestyle and the level of people’s competency toward art literature. As a soft power, it also hugely shapes people’s understanding of French.


French dessert is often priced high as luxury jewel. The luxury dessert market size has expanded 100% within 2 years. It is the result from the intensive marketing activities, promoted by ingredient suppliers, channel managers, and of course, media. Efforts from each of them are like free tools to French government to lift the image of nation and its dessert.

French dessert is often priced high the same way French cosmetic brands are. The luxury dessert market size has expanded 100% within 2 years. It is the result of intensive marketing activities, promoted by ingredient suppliers, channel managers, and of course, the media. Efforts from each of them are like free facilitators to the French government, lifting the image of the nation and its dessert.


Even thought the variety of marketing tactics help drive the French dessert market, we can’t neglect the unique and sophisticated features of the desserts. They often have very refined decoration, and have many inside layers. These inner layers, in particular, appear inimitable color combination. And, the deco of the outer is like a magic which is well designed and turning the dessert to a special kind to fulfill customers’ emotional needs. The desserts are not simply covered a bunch of fruits or chocolate whipping cream. The beauty of the dessert is the value and the whole.

Even so, we can’t neglect the unique and sophisticated features of it. They often come with very refined decoration, and have multiple inside layers with delicate textures. In particular, the color combination of the layers are so subtle that it defy others’ imitation. And, the deco of the outer is such a magic that it turns the dessert to fulfill customers’ emotional needs. (very, very, very vague) The desserts are not simply covered with a bunch of fruits or chocolate whipping cream. They together are the master’s pigments and canvas.


From the French dessert, we can somehow smell the cultural influence and educational strengths on art. Chefs’ ability of imagination and creativity is related to the surrounding environments and how they had been raised up. The way how the society thinks of them and how they think of themselves are also essential elements to make French Dessert’s achievement. 

From the French dessert, we can somehow smell the cultural influence and educational strengths of art. The dessert reflects the Chefs’ imagination and creativity, which are related to the surrounding environments in which they were raised up. It also shows how highly they are valued by the society and how excellent they expect themselves to be. 


In Taiwan, we have several popular desserts such as pineapple pastry cake. Our government has been made lots of efforts to market this cake. The Taipei City government has held the pineapple pastry cake competition every year sine 2007. As the result, this traditional cake has become the best seller and the must-buy item to the tourists from China and Japan. As a Taiwan citizen, I feel very proud of this success. As a butter supplier, I very thank the government, media and other marketers’ contributions. However, to promote this cake to be as French dessert in the world will need a bigger plan. Marketing is only a tool, not everything.

In Taiwan, we have several popular desserts such as pineapple pastry cake. Our government has made lots of efforts to market it. The Taipei City Government has held the pineapple pastry cake competition every year since 2007. As a result, this traditional food has become the best seller and the must-buy item to the tourists from China and Japan. As a Taiwan citizen, I feel very proud of this success. As a butter supplier, I appreciate very much the contributions of the government, the media and other marketers. However, to promote this cake to be as French dessert in the world will need a bigger plan. Marketing is only a one side of it, not everything.

In short, French dessert is not only a style of desserts, but also a metaphor, using to portrait very refine and luxury desserts. The definition of it is blur, but its influence on people’s view toward French is huge, from the field of French ideology, diplomacy, business of tourism, cultivation of art, to lifestyle. In Taiwan, dessert business is classified as a traditional industry. The government plans to develop this traditional business, they will need different strategies from promoting hi-tech business.

In short, French dessert is not only a food, but also a metaphor, used to define the Frenchmen’s working ethics. In reality, the definition of French dessert is difficult – similar to the way we do with a piece of fine art – but its influence on people’s view toward French is huge, from the fields of French ideology, diplomacy, business of tourism, cultivation of art, to lifestyle. In Taiwan, the dessert business sector is classified as a traditional industry. The government plans to go beyond that; they will need strategies that are different from the way we promote hi-tech business.

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